
From the Ledger of the Apothecary

March 18th in the year 18 of our Lord the Goddess - Our town remains under siege. The fowl archmage Domminous sent his minions to raze our crops a fortnight ago, and despite the best efforts of our stoutest warriors, vile creatures decimated our foodstuffs. Needless to say, my shoppe has been ill-trafficked since. Who has the gold for an apothecary's humble curatives and medicines with the price of bread as it is? 

There was but one disturbance at my shoppe today. A spiky haired malcontent, along with a small group of his preposterously dressed friends entered shortly after midday. Having never seen them before, I felt it my duty to investigate, with our town in such distress. They told me tales of their adventures. Upon hearing their unbelievable stories of magic and heroism, I burst into uproarious laughter! These runts told me their aim to defeat Domminous and free the town from his tyranny! It is good to laugh in times as Goddessless as these. 

I sold them 4 curative herbs for my usual rate. 

March 20th in the year 18 of our Lord the Goddess - Oh, Goddess be praised! Our unlikely saviors were the very angst-riddled young men and hot underage women I had dismissed in this ledger not two days ago! Domminous has been riven from the crypts beneath our town, banished across the sea! How I lament my unbelief in these heros! How I lament my crisis of faith in the Goddess! 

I sold them 8 curative herbs at my usual rate. 

April 13th in the year 18 of our Lord the Goddess - It has been difficult, but our little hamlet has nearly rebuilt all the thatch huts damaged in the great siege of Domminus. The crops have been replanted, and my little daughter is not afraid of our pet Dzrogoid any longer. 

Oh, I forget myself! I saw those young malcontents that saved our little village just last lunar month! They told me they were "grinding" nearby. I sussed that this must have been slang for "hunting," as they produced numerous Rungaard hides to sell me. Young people! 

I bought 14 hides at my usual rate, and sold one regeneration potion and 18 curative herbs at my usual rate. 

September 8th in the year 18 of our Lord the Goddess - Although our crops were hastily planted late in the season, they are coming up as thick and hearty as I've seen in all my years. Thank the Goddess! 

Although I am pleased to see our little town as hearty and healthy as it is, I must admit that it is not good for business. Why, my only customers this year have been those heroic adventures that rid our town of pestilence and cast the vile archmage Domminus aside! If only they returned to our quaint little hometown...

I would sell them all sorts of magicks and potions at my usual rate. 

February 17th in the year 19 of our Lord the Goddess - The sky has been blotted black and the island of Islaterra is floating in the sky above our little hamlet. The world is doomed. 

Those adventurers came back today, and I sold them 80 mondo curatives and 4 restoration potions at my usual rate.
Not that it matters. The era of Man is ending and the era of Death has begun!
February 18th in the year 19 of our Lord the Goddess - My dour disposition has besmirched my ledger yet again! Another miracle at the hands of that spiky haired young lad and his fair lasses! Islaterra is back in the sea, the sun is back in the sky, and (not to be too self-centered) the large purchase of curatives and restoration potions yesterday has filled my coffers! 

Our town threw a large celebration to honor the adventurers, and although we are not as important as cities like Unberpang or Quar the heros deigned to feast with our mayor and participate in a parade. My little one ran next to the enigmatic leader of the group during the festivities and handed him a doll made out of her own hair. 

He handed her two gold slivers - my usual rate.