So the incredibly niche article about 4 year old independent adventure games is going to have to wait a little longer because a few days ago THIS happened:
Yes, I've played the demo of motherfucking Bionic Commando ReArmed about 40 times since it's release. Is that right? Bionic Commando ReArmed... I think it's inter-caped. That is usually a major detriment to success, because very few things are cool enough to be inter-caped; Bionic Commando is one of the few.
At some point I''ll need to get some PSN voucher cards for which to pay Capcom, GRiN, and most importantly Ben Judd.
ALSO while foolishly trying to organize the closet underneath my staircase, I came across a large cache of long-missing NES games. There's still quite a few missing from the overall collection (where's DynoWarz, for example? And do I really want it?) but I feel much more whole now.
Next, I have to track down some of my SNES games, because the only ones avalible to me right now are things like "Killer Instinct and the Mortal Kombat games. Where are those Quintet games I bought? What kind of library is complete without Actraiser, Soulblazer & Illusion of Gaia?
Speaking of Actraiser, I played it for about 2 hours last weekend because Jeremy Parish commanded me to; while it hasn't aged as gracefully as other near-launch SNES games like Super Castlevaina and Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, I really enjoyed it. I wish the side-scrolling bits were just the arcade Rastan, though, because they're clearly going for that Rastan feel, only screwing it up.
Off to get coffee with Jon now; hopefully I'll be back later.
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